Nearly a dozen readers and friends have emailed me about Earth Hour this Saturday. I have waited to do a post until just the day before the event so that people would be less likely to forget about it. And I fully support this symbolic gesture where households and businesses around the world will turn off their lights for one hour to remind ourselves that just a little effort on everyone’s part can have a noticeable impact on global warming. I know, I know, it may seem cheesy to some of you, these drop in the bucket efforts, BUT NOT IN OUR HOUSEHOLD. We realize we leave a far bigger carbon footprint than the average human beings, driving cars, using airconditioning, spending hours on the television and computers, cooking like crazy for this blog, etc. Though we have done our own little things to help preserve if not restore the natural environment, recycle, use less plastics, eat more locally sourced produce, etc., it is nowhere near enough. While I am of one mind that folks need to curb population growth (we only added one to the planet, after all, a negative growth rate, possibly) dramatically, as well as reduce resource depletion, I also believe we need to take personal responsibility wherever possible… So follow this link if you want to find out more about Earth Hour. But for an hour this Saturday night, it’ll be lights out at our house. And not just the lights. No airconditioning, no computers, driving, and if possible, no tooting either… those are still gasses, after all. :)

18 Responses
i hope there will be a lot of Filipinos who will participate in this Earth Hour. Can we also include ‘no SMS? :-)
We should all care. I wonder how much less carbon emission we can reduce.
i will surely participate coz am going to the jamie rivera concert tomorrow night here in iloilo. even my gate lights will be turned off. hope the thieves will not read this.he he he. thank you mm for sharing this info.
hi MM! i’m coming out of “lurking” and this isn’t even a food related entry. hee hee! thanks for the heads up on this. clueless little me didn’t pay attention to the “earth hours” widget or button i’ve been seeing in other sites as I went about my bloghopping. now i finally know what it’s all about! i’m so embarassed! i’ll go buy candles and plan a romantic one hour with hubby and my little girl. hee hee! have a great weekend! :D
Had this down in my BB for Sat. My family will go out for dinner then walk around the block to do our share.
If we all do our share, we’ll make a big difference.
Australia is doing this tonight,big time! My daughters who are still in Uni received messages from their Uni Heads urging everyone to participate, so we as a family are participating,too! We’ll light 10 tealights and have our Shabu-Shabu by candlelight!
Thanks MM,for helping our planet!
I’ve received this numerous times too and I am definitely on this. It’ll be dinner by candlelight for me and Uyab tonight. =)
count me in! also emailed/texted all my friends.
I’m having a “party” in my condo tonight with my family and we’ll have dinner with candlelight. :) Btw, I heard that Intercon Makati is also participating in this event. They have a special “candlelight” menu just for today. The pool area will also be lighted with candles. Sounds cool! :)
Definitely, I will participate.
Great! Thanks, MM!
Have seen studies that say we will need 3 planet earths to sustain our lifestyles if we go on this way. and unless we figure out how to live on mars and another planet (?), our only real choice is to change.
In case you haven’t heard, there’s a countdown event tonight, 7pm CCP front lawn, Roxas Blvd. Have asked my friends to bring their kids too. After all, they’re the reason we’re doing this. :-)
Heard that for tonight the firefly brigade (cycling group) will bike down the length of Roxas Blvd in their reflectorized garb and there will be percussion bands and fire dancers too. Most exciting for me is just to see the whole strip of Roxas Blvd. turn off its lights for a good cause.
Obviously, I’m in!
Just did it MM! went out to walk with the hubby and the kids for 45 minutes, then prayed the rosary– sarap!
When you’re an IT person and you’re in your room without any electricity for an hour, you would feel that it’s end of the world. Feels good though thinking that at least for an hour, i have stopped consuming energy.
The earth hour wasnt observed by many here in Davao. Probably, the public information wasnt that effective (or thats how i want to believe).
the light’s up, and i hope you dont mind i invite you to bookmark your blogposts in my site it is a “do follow” site so it should at least contribute to increasing your PR. kitakits!
Our house was dark but after a couple of minutes, we just couldn’t do without the electric fan :( . The air in the house did seem to cool down a bit when all the lights were turned off.
We closed our lights :) And in doing so, realized that we could afford to close some other lights on normal days. Have they done a pledge count/ headcount after? I’m curious how many people joined.
for meekerz: “WWF and Meralco estimate the participation of more than a million Filipinos, saving 56MWh of energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 30-tonnes in Luzon alone – equivalent to shutting down an entire coal-fired powerplant.”
I was in Coron for the weekend with a couple of friends. We were wondering if the town will turn off the lights for Earth Hour. They actually did…because there was a blackout! Hahahaha! The power was out for about 2 hours!
We were at my aunt’s house during the Earth Hour, and yes we did turned off all the lights for one hour. It was really a sight to behold, almost all the houses in the block participated, very cool! Although we had a late supper, so we had to use candles and my sister’s cell phone to give us some light while we eat! Buti na we had kfc and not isda for ulam! hehehe