Sarciadong Daing na Lapu-Lapu


The daing fried rice was only one of two dried fish comfort meals that we indulged in over the last two weeks… With the remaining kilo or so of dried fish, we decided to make a “sarciadong daing” which is basically fried dried fish braised with a sweetish sour sauce. There is another post in the archives with a similar recipe, but here are the basics again, in case you were wondering. Start by frying up some good meaty daing or dried fish, but leave it a bit moist, not totally crisp and dry…


Saute lots of onions and some garlic and slivered or julienned in some vegetable oil, then add lots of rough chopped fresh tomatoes and saute for several minutes more, until some of the water has evaporated. Add chopped red bell pepper, some sliced red siling mahaba or finger chillies, then some vinegar, a touch of salt and some teaspoons of sugar. Cook until this thickens a bit. You may need to add a little bit of water to make enough sauce for the amount of dried fish.


Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary, but remember the fried dried fish is VERY salty, so the sauce shouldn’t be at all. Add cut pieces of dried fried fish to the sauce and mix until everything is coated. Serve this with lots of steamed rice. I like it with some vinegar on the side. And a VERY large serving of something green to combat the salty, evil deliciousness of dried fish. One kilo of dried lapu-lapu would easily feed 10 folks for lunch. :)



34 Responses

  1. I cant catch-up with many MM menus now? the problem is i have to follow to immitate them! Ill be a professional cook in few years time…

  2. Sarciado anything is pretty good! I’ve never seen the bulad (as we call it at home) version till now.

  3. Looks so appetizing! I admit it’s the first time I’ve seen sarciadong daing but you make it look delicious. I’ll try this sometime.

  4. Never had sarciadongo daing. Regular fried fish, yes, but not daing. Why not? It does make sense if the sauce is sweetish-sour to combat the saltiness. Nothing else but steaming sinaing will do.

  5. I’m not sure if I just missed it, but Marketman, when are you going to reveal the answer to the question about the provenance of chicharon skin?

  6. Wow! The pictures look great! BTW, I’m new here. MM, just wanna ask, what camera do you use to take pictures?

  7. my mom often cooks this when we run out of groceries and too lazy to go out since we ALWAYS have daing in the pantry. although she calls it sweet and sour daing, para daw medyo mas sosyal.haha

  8. Wheee, looks great! Another take on traditional comfort food. Thanks, MM. (sigh) Tough time for the vegetarians, with runaway veggie prices. My sukis were so embarrassed they couldn’t look me in the eye.

  9. We always have sarciadong bulad in Cebu and yes with heaps of tomatoes. Unfortunately, good quality bulad is hard to find in my neck of the woods. I miss this hayyyyyyyy!!

  10. MM, as I recall, this is about the time The Teen celebrates her birthday — Happy Birthday! Was wondering what kind of party she had this year.

  11. This looks very yummy and a very interesting dish. I’ve never had sarciadong daing before so another MM recipe to try.

    I remember when my mom would make sarciado, she used to dredge the fish pieces in flour before frying it. I only knew this method for making sarciado.

    Thanks MM!

  12. Just have bacalao last sunday a bit pricey here in singapore @ S$35 per kg (P1100) and only available in one store. Very good on Garlic fried rice and was able to do 2 dish. One is Bacalao al Pil-Pil is a classic Basque farewith only Olive oil and Garlic/Chili. Another dish with tomato sauce.

  13. ECC, thank you for remembering, and you are right. But no fancy parties this year, the Teen had a birthday cake and no fancy celebrations. Just didn’t seem like the thing for this year. She did however bake a dog friendly cake for her labrador’s birthday a few weeks ago, however. And it was gorgeous. Vanessa, answer to the chicharon poll in the next day or two… I am swamped again.

  14. Vanessa: My guess and vote would be that chicharon skin is imported from I dunno where.. maybe from countries with giant meat packing factories that trim the fat. That’s just my guess..

  15. Wow, yummy daing! I have to cook it outside the house because my husband does not like the smell. He will tell me to buy them and store it in a tight jar or tin container.

  16. hi MM! been lurking for more than a year now and i love reading your blog. just have to say, the new layout is great. makes it easier to go through the archives. :) more power to you and your endeavors.

  17. Wow, I never knew nor thought of this … Now to go on a new mission of finding a good, meaty daing in L.A. … Hmmm, will maybe try Japanese or Korean markets. Thanks for this yummy post, MM! :D

  18. SHARE LANG PO: very timely naman, pag tag ulan ang ginagawa ni ima (nanay ko) “Sinigang na Tuyo” wow…manyaman! Salamat talaga MM kasi di pa nya (ima) ginawa itong “Sarciadong Daing na Lapu-lapu”. Pag uwi ko nalang ng Pinas ituturo ko sa kanya ang recipe na yan. Nice post MM!

  19. Adam, sorry your comment was in moderation queue for so long, I have been extremely busy. I use a Canon G10, usually on auto setting, its an upscale point and shoot camera… I find the best pictures emerge when I have good sunlight…otherwise is chamba-chamba (a crapshoot) lang…

  20. Hi, MM! Could I wash the daing first in water before I fry para di masyado maalat? Btw, if you don’t mind my asking… what’s your answer to the girl from Studio 23? (comment posted in your No Reservation post)… thanks!

  21. Really? I think you really have that eye for angles. Those are great shots for a point and shoot- even for an upscale one.

  22. “Saute lots of onions and some garlic and slivered or julienned in some vegetable oil, then add lots of rough chopped fresh tomatoes and saute for several minutes more, until some of the water has evaporated.”
    Oh no. Big time drool. Did I just read kitchen porn? Sometimes, I like the viand more for the other elements than the main thing.

  23. great picture mm. its like escabeche with a twist.
    daing also reminds me of our yearly Good Friday fish fare, tinolang daing na isda with lots of patola. i used to hate it when i was young – wanting no less but a piece of pritong pork chop with nilagang kamatis, haha. of course, pork never happens on a Good Friday in our home :)