Betty q.’s Recipe Reference Guide :)

Betty q. made her first comment on on July 2, 2007. And from that point on, she has gone on to make 800(!) comments that have given us recipes, tips, laughter, amusement, awe, etc. I and many of marketmanila’s readers are grateful for this incredible generosity and willingness to share such wonderful recipes and food knowledge. And I know that betty has met many friends from this blog and she has communicated with them, sent them goodies, etc. So I thought it would be good to go back and try and trace all of the recipes she posted and put it in one index, this one. Several readers have been clamoring for this, first APM, then dozens of others, but the work to do it was daunting. Well, I just spent a couple of hours going back and these are what I found. This does not include privately emailed recipes, only publicly posted ones. Many thanks Betty, and for all the readers, bookmark this post lest you have heart failure again when you can’t find one of betty’s recipes! Links to specific recipes take you to old posts, you need to go to the comments section of that post to find the specific recipe. Enjoy!

Puto Bumbong recipe from November 2007
Banana Bread recipe from November 2007
Empanadas (two dough versions to boot!) recipe from December 2007
Yorkshire Pudding and Choux paste for desserts recipes from December 2007
Shrimp Tempura batter and tips from January 2008
Lemongrass Barbecued Chicken from January 2008
Hainanese Chicken Rice recipe from April 2008
XO Sauce a la betty q from May 2008
Raspberry Honey Vinaigrette Salad Dressing from May 2008
Truffles from July 2008
Savory pies with phyllo dough from July 2008
Roasted Garlic Jam from July 2008
Butternut Squash Soup from August 2008
Kecap Manis at home recipe from September 2008
Wolfgang Puck’s Black Snowballs from September 2008
More empanada dough recipe/tips from October 2008
Suman recipe for “US” residents :) from October2008
Bibingka recipe from October 2008 (same post as suman recipe)
Tibok-tibok recipe from October 2008 (same post as suman, bibingka recipes above)
betty q.’s Putong Ube recipe from October 2008
Sticky rice with bean paste or “Machang” recipe from October 2008
Baby Cuchinta recipe from October 2008 (also from putong ube post)
Oriental Lotus Root Salad from October 2008
Langka in Gata from November 2008
Shu Mai recipe from November 2008
Chocolate Cake from November 2008 (same post as shu mai)
Sans Rival recipe with tips from November 2008 (same post as previous two recipes)
Fudgey Brownies from December 2008
Hinayupak butter and nut cookies from December 2008
Rhubarb Chutney from December 2008
Thai Salad Rolls with leftover roast beef from December 2008
Bibingka Souffle from January 2009
Strawberry Rhubarb Bars from January 2009 (same post as previous recipe)
Custard Cake from January 2009
Betty’s Leche Flan from January 2009
Mango Pudding from January 2009
Savory Leche Flan from January 2009
Zucchini Relish from January 2009

Betty and other readers, if you know of any recipes that I have missed, please leave a comment below with link to post so that this is truly a comprehensive Recipe Reference Guide for Betty q. — THANKS!

Here are additional recipes, courtesy of a very sharp reader Maricel… thanks for the update!

Lace Cookies
Olive Oil Brownies
Various Salad Dressings
Sweet Sesame Seed Soup
Sop Buntot
Vanilla Extract

And more recent recipes/tips, again courtesy of Maricel:

Pancit Malabon
Chico Jam, Stir-frying, stir-fried noodles, pancit canton.


113 Responses

  1. thanks MM and betty q for this compilation. you are both so generous with your time and talent and we are all blessed for having “met” you!

  2. Thank you for this hard work in linking all BettyQ’s tips, recipes and pointers in this today’s bulletin. You make life easy for most of us! Your blog is my daily antidote for living in a big city with lots of stressed chimneys capped in. BettyQ is truly an asset to your blog and a woman with a golden heart! More power to you MM and BettyQ!!

  3. really wow! what can i say…i agree with ms. sonia…thank you MM & ms. bettyq for sharing with us your time, talent, & wisdom …i have learned so many useful ideas & recipes thru this wonderful site…bless u & your families

  4. Thank you both for your generosity. May blessings continue to pour upon you both, MM and Betty Q.

  5. 2 hours, MM?!? …Whoa, it would take me days! But I am TOTALLY, ETERNALLY INDEBTED to you for taking the time knowing you have GAZILLION things to do!!!

    Now, how about that cookbook of yours? …Think about the revenue it would generate for your feeding program!…oh, plus the people lining up to be your testers or part of your R and D division like for instance…Lee, ready with his cuchara and tinidor in his pocket (just kidding Lee!)

  6. thanks this is great. I myself trying to trace all of betty q recipe in the recipe this will save me time. to complete this entry we should have picture of betty q in an iron chef pose hehehe

  7. wow MM! I truly appreciate this post! I have enjoyed the recipes that betty q. has shared do far. I hope there willl be more to come. heheheh! siyempre I also look forward to your creations, MM. This is truly amazing!

  8. Thank you so much MM!! You just fulfilled one of my new year’s resolutions! =) and of course THANK YOU Ms. Betty Q for your generosity!


  10. Thank you very much BettyQ & MM! Wish come true!

    I like Jun’s idea of the a photo Betty Q in an Iron Chef Pose. It would be greater if we can have Betty Q & MM together (even if MM would have his face blacked out!) =)

  11. WOW! Thanks for this MM. I’m not a techie and usually laziness takes over when it comes to searching archives. More recipes from your esteemed commenter Betty Q. yahoo! I have bookmarked so many of your recipes MM, and have been trying them one by one. Maybe you and Betty Q should meet up and publish a cookbook!

  12. wow, this is amazing :) i have been curious about bettyq – she always gives great tips and recipes. hope to read more from both of you :)

  13. wow, what a wonderful idea MM!! thanks so much to you both, actually i was really going to look for her custard cake recipe today and what a grateful surprise when i read your latest post. :)

  14. wow, ang dami na pala. I was actually planning to revisit some your posts for her recipes. Thanks for doing that for us, MM.

    Betty Q, maybe you should put your recipes in blog? You can create blog for free…

  15. MM and BettyQ — my idols! Thank you both for inspiring us to cook and bake from the heart. And to everyone, please know that I have also enjoyed the Market Manila community tremendously. I can feel real camaraderie in this place.

  16. I’ve just been scolded by my 8-year old to stop printing. I had told him that we are “going green” by limiting printer paper use and just copying by hand some internet stuff we want, but could not resist BettyQ’s recipes.

    Thank you, BettyQ and MM!

  17. Wow! Wow! Wow!! Am so happy to see all the PRECIOUS recipes of bettyq. Am so grateful to you MM. You both are people with really humongous,(big,big,big) hearts. You have a really,really wonderful site…you have blest so many lives. I really thank God for bringing you both into our lives. I am so grateful to bettyq and you MM for helping us with all your tips. You are so masipag…I will find time to print the others..but place my favorites in my “working” notebook. Stained but really worth each page. I went marketing and made tocino ala bettyq. MM,I bought squid (stuffed squid) and it’s now on the grill. I will be in the grocery to get some fresh milk for my leche flan bout.I want to try that putong ube that has continually eluded me…I have some ube.

    Bettyq,I got to eat the PINIPIG pichi-pichi you mentioned. You were right!! It was so good and different from the usong pichi-pichi made from cassava…I want to try your tibok-tibok and it’s going into my working notebook.
    I can’t last the day without peeking into my Marketmanila site. My hubby says I’m addicted–but he’s so proud that your help has been so useful!!He’s advertising you both!!! Yes!! Cookbook!! But one with a difference!! With cooking tips!! Bless you!!

  18. I second jun’s motion to have a picture of bettq posted with this index. I hope she’s not as camera shy as MM.

    Thanks a lot for all the recipes and the hard work that went into making a comprehensive list.

  19. Thanks MM for doing the legwork for all of us in searching for Betty Q’s recipe. I had already started a Betty Q folder a few weeks back but haven;t had the time to hunt done the ones I missed. Thanks to both of you for being such generous souls.

  20. Hello guys, I am not really so new to this forum since I have been visiting this site for sometime now, although first time to submit my comment.
    I can attest to Ms. Betty Q.’s generosity, as a matter of fact, was a recipient of her ensaymada moulds. Thanks to both of you MM and BettyQ. You truly are inspirations especially to somebody like me who loves to experiment on new recipes. Great site and great people! CHeers!

  21. MM thanks for this post. I am one of those people who feel so indebted to Ms. Bettyq for sending me “privately” her recipes, na palagi ko namang naiwawala because of PC problems. Now, ang ganda nitong ginawa mong index, I will spend a special time to get all those recipes and make a back-up CD copies (dalawahin ko na para sigurado). And I also wish maluto kong lahat ito. Kung hindi man dito sa States, eh sa Phils. pagpunta nitong May. MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT sa inyong dalawa at duon na rin sa ibang bloggers who shared their recipes with love. God Bless Ya’ll.

  22. I’ve been a fan of your blog for quite sometime ever since my sister in SF introduced me to it. And I’ve been an avid follower of BettyQ. I have a special folder in my computer with all her recipes. Thank you Market Manila for posting BettyQ’s recipes. And to BettyQ, thank you for your gift of generosity in sharing your recipes with all your readers.

  23. A million thanks for the work you did on this one MM! This is a great help!

    BettyQ, thanks for sharing your recipes!

  24. millions thanks to you MM for this index…I completely agree with you betty q.


  25. Great and wonderful job MM! Thank you also to betty q for her generous sharing of the recipes that she has tried and tested.
    All the talk about pancit malabon had me craving for one too! Last Christmas a friend’s mom cooked a really good one but she went back home to Manila so I can’t request for it again. Did somebody re-posted it already? Where? Thank you, Thanks!

  26. Bettyq, I think you will do really well with your own Food Blog. I will visit it everyday just like what I do now w/ MM’s blog.

  27. bettyq waaaaa…I did the putong ube again (4th time) and it’s still a disaster. I give up on that!! I will try your tibok tibok soon!

  28. Who would have imagined that the recipe “book” will evolve this way? With all the tips and precautions, etc. Thanks much to MM and Betty Q. Ang dami nito ha!

  29. Thank you so much MM for his. And of course, Betty Q. You have both given tips and ideas to all us readers and we can thank you enough.

  30. Queen B. …Alilay most graciously sent the recipe I sent her to Ted, and Ted PATIENTLY typed (or copy and pasted?) the recipe on the post with the Squid and Talakitok on that AWESOME GRILL (if I may say so!). I hope it is as your mom’s friend’s Pancit!

    MarissewalangKaparis: OK …what is the best time to call you? How about let’s plan for next week-end…send me your phone no. by e-mail and I will call you and we will go through it step by step as you are making it. It doesn’t matter to me how long it takes. I have 1 hour (phone card) to yap, yap, yap with you on the phone.

    Yes, MM…I am the FORTUNATE one for having found your blog for it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have found sooooo many friends (even though they are virtual…but I am still hoping that one day, we will ALL get to meet!!!)

    All I ask from you , mga Mrs. and Mr. that you in turn share them with others (the cooked stuff and the recipe as well!) so that future generations will know what their NINUNO (like Marc’s, mine, MM’s and Sister’s, Maria Clara’s, and everybody else’s ninuno) enjoyed eating and making and PASS THEM ON AS WELL!!!!….and one day, Marisse…someone will find your NOTEBOOK and will become their MOST PRIZED TREASURE that he/she will never part!!!!

  31. I totally agree. Betty Q, and of course MM, are truly generous, kindhearted folks who share with light hearts, open hearts. We are better cooks/chefs now, more knowledegable about our sariling atin far and near, and on those not our own. I was also a recipient of BettyQ’s ensaymada moulds and our 2 dalagindings and I have been sort of ensaymada (beginner) experts. Maraming salamat sa inyo. You will be truly blessed for your generosity.

  32. lets not forget MM’s Sister…………….. Thank you Sister,for your contribution and your obvious love and concern for your little brother! I baked one of your Christmas cookies and it was a delight,naubos lahat when I brought it at one of our Xmas parties.

  33. MM, thank you so much putting all the links in one place! I got in the mood to make siomai, bought the ingredients and then thought “Shucks, which post was that where bettyq gave her siomai recipe?”. Now I don’t have to wonder anymore! Thank you MM and bettyq for your generosity in sharing your knowledge.

  34. yeah, MM …not to add more “kunsumisyon” or maybe one more graying hair…but how about Sister’s recipes. …I just joined your BIG family 1 1/2 years ago…Sister , since from the very beginning? I will be maduduling looking for recipes too!!!!

    Sister….do you have a blog?

  35. Will contact you bettyq. Anyway,all your other recipes have turned out so well…egads…it must be me and my putong ube.Joan,I’ve not gotten it yet…tell me when you’re successful.
    Tessa and Chris,I emailed the Pancit Malabon recipe to you last night. Hope you got it.
    MM,am not a squid fan but your post inspired me and the broiled stuffed squid (tomatoes,onions,ginger) was so good. I can include in a buffet “handa” for the future. Daghan Salamat MM. Am doing your fresh milk and cream leche flan(bain marie). Am also redoing (third time) your Food for the Gods (fftg). Its delish but I have color issues. Until I achieve my preferred color,hehe my family and team will “enjoy”the or have “for their penance” fftg. Hahaha…happy Sunday all.
    Betty q,I wrote your empanada recipe in my working notebook so it’s on my to of these days. Thanks for all your encouragement…to all of us cooking…cheers!! Fun!! Especially with mentors like MM ,bettyq and sister.

  36. Love this site, thank you MM, BettyQ, Sister and all who make all these great wonderful, so good recipes. MM for your dedication and compiling BettyQ’s recipes in one place. Now I dont have to keep going back and research the past,,,Im learning a lot reading your blog everyday, and my knowledge in cooking has improved. THANK YOU!

  37. Marisse…what is your colour issues for the Date Bars? …too light or too dark? If more brownish batter is what you are after….try this: in a pot, boil 1 cup of the dates (if 2 cups is the total you need.) with a bit of water and until dates are soft…more like a puree. Let it cool and add a pinch of baking soda. Add that pureed dates together with the chopped dates in your cake batter. This is what I generally do kasi I don’t like pale looking Date Bars. Also, you will achieve a more chewy and not cakey bars if you melt the butter…(remember what I told you about the butter for your pecan pie?) do the same thing…and add the brown sugar. Oh, don’t forget the butter pecan extract…it makes a huge difference in taste that your taste testers will rave about but will not figure out what it is!

    I hope this solves your Date bars issues!

    Hey, is there a Phil Carabao Center close to where you are? Maybe if you and a few other readers live close to where you are, you can just pull your resources and buy carabao’s milk for everyone.

  38. Got the Pancit Malabon recipe, thanks much betty q! I will try it on our next get together here and if the weather is not like living in an oven anymore :) I will agree with you that grill is really fabulous!

  39. hi marisse! like you, i also did’s fftg… what i did was soften the dates by simmering it in water as bettyq suggested, and subbed half of the sugar with brown sugar. however,’s fftg is more photogenic than mine, hehehe. the center of the fftg rises like a cake, and i read somewhere na dapat flat lang siya. how can that be achieved? you cant help the cake rise because it has leavening.but i am baffled as to how they manage to look flat and photogenic. help please?

    bettyq, that’s a good idea. i’ll ask the dairy farm at uplb if they have carabao’s milk, then maybe we can pool our resources and buy the milk and have a cook-off of anything with carabao’s milk – leche flan, tibok2, pastillas…

    suggestion lang po… why not have an informal eyeball among those who live nearby each other and bring for potluck foods cooked using the recipes and tips from this site?

    marisse, thanks for emailing the recipe. very contagious ang generosity sa site na ito… it inspires you to pay it forward… and share being malusog (euphemism for taba) to all, hehehe…

    have a very loving february everyone!!!

  40. Its great to find all of BettyQ’s recipe in one page. Thanks MM and Betty for being generous in publishing your recipes for those of us who need it. More Power to you both!

  41. Hi MM. Thanks a lot for Betty Q’s recipe reference guide. I’ve been a follower of your blog for quite a while now and love reading your posts and trying your recipes as well as betty q’s. Can’t wait to try her other recipes. Betty q, would you mind sharing your pansit malabon recipe to me? I would be glad to be one of your virtual friends too :) Thanks MM and Betty Q.

  42. BRAVO MM and of course, Betty Q. You are both amazing, generous, and a different kind of breed from other good cooks. Usually, when you someone gives you a recipe, something is missing or the prep is not the same so end result taste is not the same. But, you both rock!

  43. Chris, agree with you maybe each location can have an EB/potluck using recipes from this website. I live in the ‘burb of NYC. Betty Q., agree, please, please, please MM maybe we can do the same with Sister’s recipe?

  44. MGA MRS….. The Pancit Malabon recipe is already posted by Ted on the PUSIT AND TALAKITOK post.!

    OMG, Queen B! I hope you have ways of cooling down in the 44 degree weather of yours!

    Hey, Marisse….have you tried the Sans Rival yet? ECC has tried it and now she is the SANS RIVAL GODDESS of HOUSTON!…unless EBBAMYRA dethrones her!!!….hahahahahaha

    Yup, isn’t annoying when they do that? I mean, why bother sharing the recipe knowing fully well that he/she omitted an essential ingredient! And then, when it doesn’t turn out the same, you ask them and you are made to feel that you did something wrong! Kasalanan mo pa!!!!

  45. Thanks for this MM. Betty q is an inspiration. Btw, tried your leche flan using fresh cow’s milk and the result was excellent. I grew up thinking leche flan is always made of condensada and evap. Now I have another dessert I can be proud of…

  46. i luv MM’s posts on his travels. Wish he would compile all his New York notes in one post…if it were possible? Thanks a lot ..all the best

  47. Thanks very much for the recipe index. I have compiled the recipes under Betty’s name. MM, I wish your recipes could be organized this way so it would be easy to look for recipes in your blog just by pressing the recipe tab. It is hard to wade through all the recipes after all these years. I made many of recipes from this blog and appreciate your generosity and that of your fellow bloggers.

  48. Wow Ms. Betty Q.’s way of cooking langka sa gata is the same way our Bicolana househelp do her’s.=) We just use the saute garlic-onions-shirmp combo with thick freshly squeezed coconut milk and for us, lots of siling labuyo!!!=)

    Kudos to Ms. Betty Q.=)

  49. oo nga myrna, maybe some people can start the ball rolling. pwedeng simultaneous eb in different places/locations, then webcam or internet connection to connect us all the ebs… this was how the hub’s batchmates did their homecoming planning… suggestion lang naman po…

    betty q, my ilonggo friend makes a chilled guinataang langka salad… ang sarap, pero secret family recipe daw… i’ve also tried their kalamismis/sigarilyas/winged bean salad and ubod punch, provincial treats na very refreshing at masarap.

    alexena, you know gata is my saving grace… any dish na ginawa ko, kapag feeling ko di masarap, lagyan ko lang ng gata, ayos na! at ibang level na if dagdagan mo pa ng siling sobrang anghang…

    btw, our househelp is from naga and she made this dish na tinuktok yata ang tawag, its like the pinangat or gabi leaves pocket pero mas maraming stuffing na nyog than the dahon itself… at first taste, i didnt like it. when the dish sat for a long time (abt a week)in the freezer then i reheated it, aba, sumarap na siya sa panlasa ko…

  50. Chris, my view on “family secret” ( I know that some will disgaree with me). I know that there are recipes that are handed down from generation to generation. However, say for instance… you have formulated something that is what you might call an ORIGINAL something…recipe not found in any cookbook or the web. In other words it is your very own…from the ingredients down to the procedure. The product yoou have created cannot be bought anywhere, THEN I can completely understand that it is something you would want to leave to your loved ones as sortof your legacy. But say the TIBOK TIBOK recipe I posted. I learned to make it from this nice old lady friend when I was 12 years old. I just added something to it at the very last which I think made it better. If she were alive still, I would make it and let her taste it and I know she will be proud of me…Who knows, maaybe you or Marisse or MM or someone out there will add something to it too and make it even MORE BETTER. Hey, I will be soooo proud of you guys!!!!

    Here is what you can do, …make the Pancit Malabon or better yet the Tibok Tibok….wait, no…make the XO sauce. …and give her some. Then it is your turn to say “family secret”. Tingnan ko kung hindi ka niya i-hound kung paano mo ginawa!!!…hahahahaha..Kidding aside, if she/he asks you, I sincerely hope you will share the cooked food and the recipe with her/him but forewarn her that you will only do so if she PROMISES to share what you did to others as well and not keep it to herself.

    I am a gata covert, too! …I put gata in anything….curried chicken, even Pinakbet, atouch of gata in paksiw. Tinuktok, is that the tilapia stuffed with buko and other stuff and then wrapped in gabi or pechay then cooked with gata?

  51. MM and betty q – I thank u both for taking you’re time in linking betty q’s recipes all in one entry, and this time i will make sure to put them in a separate folder! :) I can’t thank u both enough. God bless!

  52. Chris…the e-mail Marisse forwarded to you…my e-mail addy is in there? Send me your e-mail kasi I was reading the archives…not that I don’t have anyhting to do! …I want you to try something as to how you can save time in doing what you’ve tried making recently. Naawa ako sa iyo!!!!

  53. MM, thanks for compiling all these links! i was so inspired that i made the roasted garlic jam and the hainanese chicken last night. the hubby loved it! i do have a couple of questions for bettyq:
    1. how long does the garlic jam keep in the fridge?
    2. aside from serving on toast/crackers, do you have any serving suggestions for the jam? i happily scraped the leftover jam from the food processor with saltines, but am wondering how else to serve it up.

    thanks so much for sharing!

  54. hi betty q,thanks thanks so much for your unending generosity in sharing to all of us your priced recipes…..people like you are hard to find coz’ some tend to really lock their recipes so othes could not copy them. but thanks to MM for this website for it paved the way to meet you and all the others who are reading everyday. we are planning to visit vancouver and if we push thru i wish we cud meet up somewhere. i have bookmarked this post under your name so its already saved in my favorites. Like mdg, i also would want to request for your great and award winning chocolate cake. i also read in your first post that you have this sesame ginger dressing and raspberry honey vinaigrette. hope you cud also share this with me……my email add is
    thanks again for making it easy for all of us and for making us realize that sharing recipes gives joy because others can benefit a lot from it…………..thanks MM & BettyQ!!!!!!

  55. Thanks a lot MM. You are the most generous food blogger I have seen for sharing the spotlight with Betty q. Not that many bloggers would do that. Sometimes, you could not even express your opinion on some of them.

    As for Betty q, what can I say? Its all been said here. Her generosity astounds me. I could not believe my eyes when she offered to bring me the coconut grater through her sister. She is North America’s version of Market Manila for her passion for food. Thank you both!!

  56. Hi Betty q. I tried your steamed fish recipe and it was really good. My hubby and I loved it. It’s so simple to make but was really good. Thanks a lot for sharing your recipes.

  57. Hahaha!! I revisited this and bettyq and MM we are your fans club.
    My fftg color turned out vert well and i substituted half muscovado for the sugar. I marinated the dates in port wine(leftover from christmas) so it was really soft. I also added some figs (chopped). Anyway,I will try what you said next time.Hehe my color issues.Still want it darker.
    I have been trying to look for carabao milk in our area.None so far. An officemate brought tibok-tibok(fr. San Fernando Pmpga) last monday and while it was ok,it was not as good as the one I first tasted. When I get my hands on some carabao milk,will try it.
    Myrna.Chris..sali ako sa idea niyo to have mini eyeballs.
    Bettyq,havent tried the sans rival but am dying to. Gheez,ang dami kong naka standby na recipes. Awesome. Don’t worry..nasa notebook ko yan incldg pancit malabon. Hahaha..dying to try them. Kulang lang ako ng time but am so enjoying doing this (Hmmmph except for that elusive putong ube!!) Hahaha..have fun cooking everyone…

  58. Ps. Chris,my latest fftg came out flat. Ok naman.My best version so far. I flatten out(lightly) the cake batter with a spatula after pouring into pan. You might be careful with the heat kaya? Baka too hot?
    Have fun….

  59. bettyq, thank you for “feeling” for me. i will not ask for family/heirloom recipes if they make a living out of it. syempre, trade secret nila yun. thank you for offering your xo sauce as my “secret weapon,” too, hehehe. oh beyytq, you never cease to amaze the readers of this blog. just when i thought you’re too busy to notice the “minor” concerns of other readers, you voluntarily come to their rescue. and i am now one of the direct beneficiaries of your generosity :). i didnt see your email address attached to the email sent by marissewalangkaparis. i’ll just ask her to email it to me so i can write you. thank you thank you talaga!

    i flattended the surface of the batter and make taktak the pan before putting it in the oven. maybe the oven was too hot nga… kasi it became a habit to preheat oven at 350 degrees. since mine is a gas oven (tecnogas)and temperature is not consistent and stable, it takes more than 20 minutes for the oven to reach 350 degrees as per the thermometer i placed in the oven. re mini-eyeball, ganda sana di ba? i am relatively a newcomer and don’t know the whereabouts of loyal regulars here… maybe if we send a shout-out, and if anybody else is interested, just post it here na lang…

  60. Yeah, Judy….where is the steamed posted? Someone e-mailed me asking how to do it. I looked at the archives…don’t know where it is! Anyway, I typed the recipe for her.

    Megamags: I only make 1 small jar of Roasted Garlic Jam at a time. If you made a lot, I would suggest scooping it in those small tupperware like 1/2 cup containers and put a parchment circle or plastic wrap on the surface so no ice crystals will form on the surface and FREEZE! It doesn’t last more than 3 days in our house kasi the boys mix some of it with dijon mustard and slap it on their Bavarian smokies (barbecued) and eat with sauerkraut.

    When you grill some vegetables like zucchini. japanese eggplant, sweet red peppers, fennel bulb…smear a toasted baguette slice (like bruschetta slice) with the garlic jam and arrange the vegetables on it.

    When you make your own pizza dough, I posted one I think you should try (yoou won’t buy store bought pizza shells anymore!)….somewhere in Mm’s blog!I have no clue whatsoever which post it is!!!…Anyway, going back to garlic jam…smear the rolled out thin dough (on parchment paper)with olive oil and then smear lightly with the jam and top with cheese, then sliced tomatoes, then torn basil leaves, sliced sauteed mushrooms, and caramelized onions. Bake in preheated oven 425 to 450 degrees. But while preheating oven, put a pizza stone or an inverted cookie sheet (which is what I use) and let it get hot. Then carefuuly slide the pizza and the parchment paper on the cookie sheet. Masarap!

    You can add it to vinaigrettes.

    Our house favorite is grilled vegetable panini…Rub some of the jam on thick slices of calabrese and layer the grilled vegetables with havarti cheese….napakasarap!

  61. MM,have been looking for fennel and caraway seeds for the bacon and so far haven’t found any in the groceries I go to–Shopwise,South supermarket,Robinson’s,HiTop,SM Hypermart. Where can I get them. Have been looking for that but can’t find any.Want to do your bacon…will appreciate a tip where to find them.Anyone know pleez…

  62. Hi, marissewalangkaparis! Have you tried going to Healthy Options or Santi’s Delicatessen? I usually go there if I can’t find a spice, herb or flour type I need.

  63. Hey, Marissewalangkaparis: If you have any leftover fennel seeds, make some Olive Oil Breadsticks that my hubby calls Swizzel Sticks!!! It is really ADDICTING!!! mahiraptigilan sa isa lang!!!This is a Betty Q. original!!! I need to go to sleep now…my little one has surgery tom. …will post it as soon as I get the chance tom. morning…

  64. hi betty q! hope you didnt forget me….sorry for making kulit pero hope you could really consider in sending me your award winning chocolate cake (next to your husband & children —-it must really be good!) and the award winning one and the dressings……please…please……please……

  65. betty_q: thank you for the suman recipe! i usually just make suman sa lihia, but today i am making your suman recipe. last night i soaked the rice – padala sa akin from our own farm, it is malagkit which is naturally purple, but not pirurutong; i will have to ask our katiwala what it is called, but i do know it was grown on the hillsides with just natural rainwater and ipot ng manok as fertilizer. i do not have canned langka so, as soon as i woke up today, i simmered 2 cups water, de-seeded 6 gigantic fresh langka and plopped them in for 5 minutes, then added 1/2 cup sugar and simmered again for another 10 minutes. It was the smell of heaven in the morning…I am cooling it now. I will proceed later on and finish the suman, have to take my son to taekwondo class first. Have a great Sunday!

  66. betty q., your steamed fish recipe is in the “What recipes are you looking for” entry. I made zucchini relish based on your recipe, it’s a winner! Next I’m going to try the Raspberry-Honey vinaigrette, will let you know how that turns out. Thank you very much!

    Do you happen to have a recipe for pickled cauliflower? The taste I’m trying to aim for is the one made by Lady’s Choice of long ago, there were some stray cauliflowerettes with the main pickles. I’m interested in this because here in Chiang Mai,Thailand vegetables are dirt cheap, imagine two cauliflower heads for only 10 baht (or roughly 15 pesos), and that’s the retail price. It gets much cheaper if bought wholesale. Thanks in advance, betty q!

    And thank you, MM, for this wonderful site.

  67. betty q: today, i made siomai following your recipe. i’ve modified it a bit because i lack other ingredients (just an aside – two nights ago i went to waltermart to buy among other things rice wine, canned shoots or water chestnuts, and olive oil. kakainis, i had 3 bags of groceries but when i got home, 2 lang nadala ko. at kasama sa naiwan ang rice wine, waaah! went back for it, pero nobody returned my bag of groceries). so instead of rice wine, i subbed cooking wine, and couldnt find canned shoots nor water chestnuts so i left it out. i wonder if the dried chinese mushroom is shiitake or tengang daga, but i used the shiitake. after letting it sit in the ref, it’s become more aromatic. and i like the way it smells. started wrapping it, pero may issue ako sa pagbabalot… can’t get it right. will steam it tomorrow and keep some in the freezer ready to cook. couldnt wait to have a bite! will keep you posted! thanks thanks… btw, couldnt make the puto yet because i dont know where to have the rice giling. tried using the osterizer, but it didnt come out uniformly. so saka na lang… do you also have recipe for pichipichi? we just harvested kamoteng kahoy/cassava from the backyard and dont know what to do with them. sawa na kids sa nilagang cassava. the other day, my bicolana helper mixed some flour in the shredded and squeezed cassava meat, a little sugar and boiled it in sweetened gata. parang lutong “pinindot” but instead of malagkit rice balls, casava ang gamit, and flour was the thickener. the kids liked it (ako okay lang sa akin) but it’s not a repeat dish for me.

    thanks thanks again, betty q! godbless!

  68. mr. mm: good day! i made your bagoong with kamias, wow! panalo! kahit yun lang ulam, ubos ang kanin sa kaldero! however, i overcooked the kamias, so medyo mushy na siya, and added a handful of sili panigang. it didnt look as photogenic as yours, but i should say, maraming nakain mga kasama ko sa house (pati na rin ako!)

    also made bicol express as inspired by your blog, but i fried the pork pieces before boiling it in the gata, and sauted the spices – garlic, etc. in the same oil. as usual, left it boiling longer than necessary, naglangis ang gata. it tasted good, but you cant eat too much cause “bidli na kaayo” because of the oil. i’ll give it another try, and this time i’ll watch out that the gata doesnt turn to oil. thanks thanks po. godbless!

  69. btw,… i also followed your fftg recipe, except that i softened the dates first by letting it simmer in some water. masarap daw po. however, my issue is that the fftg rises in the middle (whatever recipe i use), is it the same with yours? heard that it should stay flat or level. what did i do wrong? how can i correct it in the future? thanks thanks po uli…

  70. bettyq: the tinuktok i was referring to was not the stuffed tilapia cooked in gata. this bicol naga version of tinuktok is gabi leaves tuffed with shredded alanganing niyog mixed with pounded pungent shrimp (left out of the ref for a day), luya, onions, and what else (didnt get to see how they made it bec. i was out doing errands), then letting it simmer in second extract. the kakang gata however, was cooked over low fire to thicken a bit and used it to top the tinuktok.

  71. Pasensiya na Chris et al…mahina ang kalaban! Hubby says iiwanan na daw ako (we were going to go pasyal this morning!)

    Mimi: I am curious about your purple rice. I have seen here something that looks like red glutinous rice in Vietnamese stores. I wonder if that is the same as yours. Can yoou describe it further please? I asked the clerk if it was ordinary rice like brown rice but she said it was glutinous rice. I will try making suman out of it on the week-end….Hay, I haven’t made suman since fall. Now, I have a craving because of yoour comment. Paano na tayong lahat papayat ng lagay na ito?!?

    And yes, Tuesday…I have a recipe for pickled vegetables like cauliflower, carrots, peppers together with the cukes! It is the sweet kind you are looking for , right? Ohh, thanks for the steamed fish whereabouts! will need:

    1 gallon sliced pickiling cukes (if you cannot find, omit them.)
    4 medium sliced onions or 1 small container pickling onions…leave whole
    1 sweet red pepper, seeded and slices
    1 green pepper, sliced as well
    3 cloves galic, sliced
    1 small head cauliflower
    1 carrot, cut into batons
    6 1/4 cups sugar
    1 tsp. celery seed
    3 3/4 cup white vinegar
    1 1/4 tsp. turmeric

    Soak cucmbers in salted ice water at least 3 hours. Drain thoroughly. Blanch cauliflower pieces in boiling water. Drain and plunge in ice bath. Drain agin. Pour vinegar , sugar and spices on vegetables in big stainless steel pot . Heat to boiling . As soon as it comes to a boil, TAKE IT OFF THE HEAT! Do not let it continue to boil. Fill sterilized jars with the pickled vegetables. Pack them in as much as you can with some of the pickling liquid. Seal at once. Set jars UPSIDE DOWN and let it cool that way. I think you will like this one as much as the Dill pickled cukes I posted before. If you can find the orange and purple and lime green coloured cauliflower, that will really look pretty!

    Chris, with your cassava, MM posted a cassava bibingka a while back…go archives. i am sorry but I am not ahuge fan of pichi pichi made with cassava. I have always done pichi pichi made with pinipig. That is the pichi pichi I learned how to eat and make in my childhood. So when we came here, my friend offered me pichi pichi. We had a bit of a discussion of what constitutes pichi pichi. Neverheless, I tried it but it is something I will not go on a limb and make unless the boys want it. Ask Marissewalangkaparis! She tried it and I think she liked my version …the pinipig kind! I could be wrong but I think the pinipig kind is of Kapampangan influence. Manong Marc, is it?

    Let me trouble shoot your FFTG. I will need to go through my tupperware. Maybe I can help. Mine ALWAYS is flat.

    Your tinuktok sounds yummy. We don’t have the “iffy” niyog you are talking about, Chris. Would the shredded fresh buko work? I can get fresh buko, whack it with a cleaver and scrape the meat. Maria Clara sent me a total of 3 bottles of Sauteed Shrimp Paste (maaaaaaasarap!). I have used 2 bottles already MC, so I am making tipid the last one!

    Will get back to you later with my version of FFTG! Heto na at nagyayayana ang aking hubby sa pasyalan bago ako talagang iwanan!

  72. Hi Maricar, Bettyq. Sorry for the late reply. The steamed recipe is in the What’s recipes are you looking for entry. Same entry where siomai recipe is.

  73. Thanks for the collection of recipes! I was looking for betty q.’s indian candy and the famous winning chocolate cake recipe. Does anyone have them and is willing to share?

  74. bettyq: have finally cooked the siomai. the smell was fragrant, amoy-masarap. when i tasted it, i have to admit nanibago ako sa lasa. i asked my husband to taste it, and super-nasarapan siya. i analyzed why my tastebuds felt that way. i realized masyadong nasanay sa flavor extenders dila ko. i dont use msg at home, but the knorr cubes, the soup pack, sinigang mix, etc… they are all packed with msg, giving food a uniform taste! so tuloy ang hanap ng dila ko, lasang knorr. then and there i said i wont use na knorr cubes or flavor mixes, so we all can appreciate the natural taste of food. after awhile, tinikman ko siya uli, and am beginning to appreciate its taste. my hubby, kids and mom and aunt in law, they liked it a lot. so may second batch na uling gagawin. thanks again ms bettyq.

  75. hello po..may question po ako about food for the gods..ano po bang dapat kong idagdag kasi everytime po na nagbi bake ako, hindi lumalasa yung dates ko..& nagiging cakey po sya..please help.. :(

  76. vanessa, here is a link to a recipe I use (Maida Heatter’s). It has a LOT of dates. Also very little cake batter and don’t overmix the batter. Lower the heat of your oven a bit as well. Good luck.

  77. hello po ulit..nagbake po ako ng fftg kanina, sinunod ko po lahat ng instructions pero naging maputla & dry pa din po yung resulta..binawasan ko po yung cooking time pero dry pa din..bakit po kaya ganun? im trying to figure out kung ano yung lasang nangingibabaw sa fftg ng mary grace shop..please help..pag gising ko, fftg recipe ang nasa isip ko..heheheh please please please..tulong…

  78. Vanessa: OK… if you want to make another experiment, try this! Before I start, am I right to assume you do not prefer the cakey ones? if you like chewy, then you could try this. This is buttery and date-y? …and not maputla. I use demerara sugar…not available there, use light brown and dark brown. Then melt the butter. When you cream the butter and sugar to make it fluffy, you are incorporating air. But when melted butter is used, noair. Do I make sense?…NO AIR?…NOT CAKEY!

    3/4 cup + 1tbsp. butter, melted
    1 cup light or dark brown sugar
    1 cup all purpose flour + 2 tsp. flour (to dust the chopped dates)
    1 tsp. soda
    1/2 tsp. salt
    2 large eggs, room temp.
    1 cup dates + 2tbsp. water
    1/2 cup chopped dates
    2 cups toasted pecans, coarsely chopped.
    2 tsp. VANILLA or 1 tsp.BUTTER PECAN EXTRACT (using butter pecan extract makes a huge difference in taste, you just have to try it and it will make yours different from the rest!)

    In a small pot, add the water and the 1 cup dates. Simmerover low heat until dates are soft. Set aside to cool and mash them. Them in a bowl, add the melted butter, sugar. stir to dissolve. then add eggs one at a time stirrring . Add the pureed dates. Then add the dry ingredients (Flour, salt, and baking soda) Add the chopped dates and toasted pecan.

    Spread on a non-stick cookie sheet lined with parchment paper). I use one that is bigger than ordinary cookie sheet BUT I DOUBLE THE RECIPE! If you don’t have that, recipe above is enough for 9×13 pan, lightly greased and lined with wax paper or parchment paper aand lightly greased with butter. Bake in preheated oven 350 for 25 minutes. You might not need the entire baking time lalo na if it is manipis.

    Here is where mine is elevated to a higher level. I make a caramel coconut topping and while the cake is warm (after it is baked) I pour it on top and spread it, and put under the broiler until golden brown. YOU HAVE TO WAIT TILL THE NEXT DAY TO CUT THEM!!!! If you like the caramel coconut topping, let me know and I will post it. But this FFTG is good enough as it is…I think this is the one you are looking for. Let me know. OK?

    Chris…I remember you had FFTG issues, too. I got sidetracked again. I think I told before I would help you trouble shoot. Well….here it is! Try this.

  79. kung hindi po kalabisan, paki post na din po yung caramel coconut topping..hehehe thanks po..

  80. Interested to purchase Betty Q’S Recipes Reference Guide how to bake Commercial Ensaimamdas, I saw the different pictures of ensaimada. Very interesting view & Comments of each product. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Teddy Arenas.

  81. Hi! Does anybody have a copy of Betty Q’s Olive Jam, Sansrival and Chocolate cake? I really can’t find it!! =(

  82. bettyq? are you from batangas? tanauan? my root’s from tanauan too…. I hope you would collaborate with MM and feature our kakanins ..the tamales…our unique puto…kutsinta sapin sapin ..suman…bibingkang kanin..and bibingkang itlog espesyal….maraming masarap na pagkain sa atin at magagaling na magluluto ang mga taga atin!!! hehhe…em happy I have a kababayan here!!! godspeed bettyq! and MM!

  83. el_jefe: Both my mom and dad are from Tanauan. Yes, I remember going with my mom EVERY SUNDAY …first ot Canlubang to vivit my cousins and aunt and then off to Calamba to visit other realtives and then to Tanauan….I miss the PALAIROS and Aling Atay’s BIBINGKA! I pretty much got them down pat (suman, cuchinta, sapin sapin sinocmane, etc. ) except the PALAIROS….and you’d think it is the simplest thing in the world to do! Yup, I think we have the best BIBINGKA (ALING ATAY’S!) that is soooooo good and unique!

  84. hi… i can’t seem to find betty q’s award winning chocolate cake.. was it ever posted? thanks…